Tuesday, August 28, 2007

welcome to EV!

spotted heart edition - fav 2008
Originally uploaded by anongrrl

since this blog is shiny and new, i (nicci) figured i should put up a post to welcome everyone (members and non members alike!) to our Edition Varies blog.

anyone can comment here, and if you check the link list to the right, i am adding member websites and blogs as they come in. check out the yummy artsy goodness by Northern Kentucky and greater Cincinnati artists, all of whom attended (or still attend) Northern Kentucky University.

Edition Varies is the blog of the Northern Kentucky University Print Club. we are a group of artists of varying ages and backgrounds, skill sets, and print media. we do all sorts of prints, from collographs to etchings to serigraphs--no print medium is safe from our ink stained hands!

related links:
Northern Kentucky University Website
NKU Print Club Website