Friday, September 28, 2007

Dolphin Paper in Indianapolis

I just ordered from Dolphin Papers in Indianapolis. I ordered over the phone, and they were very nice there. They also rolled the paper and packaged it very well, so that there was no crazy oversize shipping charge. It arrived in pristine condition, very fast. Their prices are good, and I definitely suggest using them. You can check out some stuff on their website:

The image provided here was snagged from their website.

(They carry decorative papers, printmaking papers, and also that Mohawk Superfine Text paper we used for bookbinding! I just got some white & smooth. It's delish!)



Kathleen said...

What a great site! Thanks for posting it, Nicci!

So, you got some more Mohawk....are more beautiful books in the works?

nicci said...

thanks for calling the others beautiful! and i hope that having the paper means yes! i am going to start working on them this weekend. i have some IDEAS.