Monday, September 10, 2007

Kathleen's Book

Kathleen (Piecefield) created this book in the workshop led by Jennifer D. Anderson @ NKU this past Saturday.

Artists who attended the workshop made books of roughly the same dimensions, using various papers and embellishments on their books. When closed, most of our books measured approximately 9.5 x 13 x 1 inches.

Kathleen writes: "I finished the book with a little toggle made from a sliver of driftwood, and added a braided linen tie to wrap around it, which shows up in the detail shot. I am really loving the weight and flexibility of this book-- how good it feels in the hand! I like the smell of the new paper, and it even makes a pleasing it is engaging all the senses!"

This image is a detail of Kathleen's book--the toggle closure she mentioned in her comments. I think it's pretty sexy, and it is characteristic of her work, with a natural inclusion, and a certain elegance.

I would love to see this and other books in person. I hope we can all get together sometime in the near(ish) future to pass our books around and see what everyone has done with theirs. Posting them here, of course, is the next best thing!

Note: If you attended the workshop, and you would like to have us post your work here in the Edition Varies blog, please feel free to send the photo and any writing/description/comments you have about your work to Nicci.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone,
I just ordered 200 sheets of BFK from Daniel Smith at $2.00 a sheet with no shipping charge for my classes. If you want me to order more for you, let me know. I would need to get the order up to 100 sheets to get the discount price.
